Embrace the Platinum Rule

What's the difference between the golden rule and the platinum rule?

Decentering yourself.

The golden rule asks you to treat others in a way in which you want to be treated, while the platinum rule asks you to treat others in a way in which they want to be treated.

The platinum rule reminds you that the pathway to building more safety, trust, and belonging at work begins by becoming curious about others.

In this spirit, ask yourself: who am I intentionally including in this work, and who am I unintentionally excluding?

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Establish & Activate Your Belonging Vision

Does your organization have a long-term DEI vision? This long-term vision is one that can be developed using the Imagine Belonging transformation formula. Transformation = clarity to challenge the status quo + confidence to imagine a better culture + commitment to building a belonging culture. Yet, one of the primary reasons why an organization’s DEI goals stall out, or outright fail, is the lack of this long-term vision.

This reality begs the question, how can your workplace establish a long-term DEI vision that will lead toward a culture where you and your colleagues can not only survive, but thrive? This blog post offers three concrete strategies to help your organization answer this critical question, and activate a long-term DEI vision.

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How do we build bridges across culture differences?

As a leader, it’s your responsibility to create a sense of psychological safety and trust, which create the foundation for building belonging at work. This means that each person on the team feels that they can contribute their ideas and lived experiences without fear of negative consequences.

Yet as ideas are shared, and perspectives inevitably clash, how do you as a leader help your colleagues stay focused on why they are working together in the first place? How do you help bridge across personal differences that - (if) left unchecked - could create a toxic environment that leads to personal harm and damages the team’s overall morale?

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LGBTQ+ People Belong at Work

For many LGBTQ+ employees, the vision of showing up as authentically as we want in order to do our best work, helping our organizations succeed, has historically felt far away and inaccessible. Today, however, something significant has changed. In a 6-3 Supreme Court decision, LGBTQ+ workers in the United States are now protected from job discrimination. While it’s tempting to believe this monumental decision signals that we have achieved LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace, the reality is that our work is just beginning. Read more and learn more about what you can do!

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Inclusive Leadership Rhodes Perry Inclusive Leadership Rhodes Perry

6 Tips to Serve As An Inclusive Leader During A Crisis

In uncertain times, we may feel a lack of control, confusion on where to find accurate information, and heightened fear – all of which increases the risk of bias. In this post, learn how six key inclusive leadership traits can help you affirm, validate and allay these feelings in order to reduce bias in the workplace during COVID-19. After reading this post, consider registering for our next Belonging Community Call this Monday at 1 pm Pacific and 4 pm Eastern Time.

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