Engaging LGBTQ Diversity Candidates Webinar Announcement

Save the date! On Thursday, September 22 at 2pm Eastern Time/11 am Pacific Time, I’ll be hosting my consultancy’s first webinar entitled Engaging LGBTQ Employees for executives, HR, and diversity professionals. During this one-hour Q&A conversation, participants will be encouraged to share their ideas, challenges, and solutions to help recruit, retain, and develop LGBTQ diversity candidates for businesses, organizations, and government agencies.

I am eager to share some of the solutions I have developed for my top-tier clients over the past year when addressing a number of common challenges. One item I’ll be offering on the webinar is my firm’s unique branded system called the TEAMS Transformation Method™. This method is applied when I work with clients who are early adopters in creating a workplace culture that is effective in attracting top diversity candidates – candidates that are likely to stay and develop their careers in the years that follow.

For those folks that aren’t able to make the Q&A webinar, fear not as there will be other ways to explore this topic! The first way to engage is by completing a brief survey that will be available to all of my newsletter subscribers in August. The survey will assess what’s working well, identify common challenges, and assess what solutions seem the most appealing (and feasible) to organizations grappling with ways to engage LGBTQ diversity candidates. The survey results will be shared with webinar participants, and also in my firm’s next quarterly newsletter.

The second way to stay connected on this topic is to schedule a 3-in-30 Consultation. I’ve offered these types of consultations over the past three months, and they’ve proven to be a great way to stay connected with old and new colleagues alike. During these 30 minute calls, you will have the opportunity to discuss the three leadership questions of your choosing that keep you awake at night. For my summer hours, I’ve dedicated time on Friday to chat with you. If you’re interested, please be sure to sign-up for a call today, as spaces are definitely filling up quickly.

Lastly, I am booking speaking engagements to talk with business and commerce groups along with a number of colleges and universities interested in learning more about my firm’s TEAMS Transformation Method™, which offers concrete strategies on how businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies can more effectively engage LGBTQ people, whether they are employees, customers, or clients. If you’re interested in learning more about my firm’s approach, or would like to book me for your next event, please contact me today.

For now, be sure to stay connected with my firm by following the RPC Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn pages.

Rhodes Perry

Rhodes Perry, MPA is an award-winning social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and keynote speaker. He helps leaders build belonging at work to achieve industry breakthroughs. His firm offers transformative leadership development, change management, and capacity building solutions for senior executives focused on advancing their organizations’ diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitments. Nationally recognized as a LGBTQ+ thought leader, he has two decades of government and nonprofit experience having worked at the White House, PFLAG National, and the City of New York. Media outlets like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press have featured his powerful work as a (DEI) influencer.


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