Showing Up for TDOV

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility Day (TDOV)! Today is a time to honor the contributions of your transgender & nonbinary (trans) colleagues.

One of the best ways to honor this day is by doing your part to show up as an ally - a person helping to build a more gender inclusive workplace. 

This matters given that nearly 100 anti-trans bills are being considered by the majority of states targeting the health & well-being of trans children.

What do trans children have to do with belonging at work?

According to the Harvard Business Review, “25% of Gen Z - Zoomers - expect to change their gender at least once during their lifetime.”

This means the future of work will become increasingly nonbinary, and it’s up to us to prepare…today.

So where do we start? Consider taking at least one of these actions in honor of TDOV, and commit to taking more throughout the year:

During these challenging times, trans people need committed allies. This starts with taking simple actions to show up for your trans colleagues.

Taking one of these actions can put you on the pathway to serving as a strong trans ally. Together, it will take all of us to build belonging at work.

Want support as you build a more gender inclusive organization? Consider giving this webinar a close watch, and then enroll in our Belonging Membership Community!

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Rhodes Perry

Rhodes Perry, MPA is an award-winning social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and keynote speaker. He helps leaders build belonging at work to achieve industry breakthroughs. His firm offers transformative leadership development, change management, and capacity building solutions for senior executives focused on advancing their organizations’ diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitments. Nationally recognized as a LGBTQ+ thought leader, he has two decades of government and nonprofit experience having worked at the White House, PFLAG National, and the City of New York. Media outlets like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press have featured his powerful work as a (DEI) influencer.

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