Disrupt Traditional Office Arrangements & Inspire an Inclusive Workforce

Over the past century, the workplace has evolved in significant ways. Leading employers offer more open and inclusive cultures, empowering people of diverse backgrounds, including LGBTQ stakeholders, to participate in all aspects of the workplace ecosystem. Additionally, the most competitive employers understand how valuable inclusive workplace cultures are to the bottom line.

Unfortunately, what hasn’t changed for many workplaces is the physical nature of the office – it’s often overlooked as a source for building inclusive environments where teams can thrive. As a result, most offices lack inspiration, and visible signs that amplify leadership's commitment to inclusion. Employee engagement surveys have found that the traditional arranagment of work and communal spaces does little, if anything, to inspire innovation, promote inclusivity, and build stronger teams.

Given this pain point, experts have a wide variety of solutions to reimagine traditional office environments that can help drive innovation, cross-cultural collaboration, and a spirit of inclusion. For starters, it’s helpful to think about the color of your office environment. Some colors like greens and blues are good for creating a calming mood, others like different shades of red are good for encouraging excitement, while others like yellows and oranges stimulate energy. If you can find ways to incorporate those hues into work spaces, and within your brand's logo, you’ll help up the inspiration ante in your office.

What else can you do to drive innovation, inclusion, and stronger teams? This graphic can offer some help, and if you’re seeking more guidance on how to communicate why creating more inspirational and inclusive workplaces is essential for the future of your business, register for the next RPC free webinar on the topic by clicking here.

Rhodes Perry

Rhodes Perry, MPA is an award-winning social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and keynote speaker. He helps leaders build belonging at work to achieve industry breakthroughs. His firm offers transformative leadership development, change management, and capacity building solutions for senior executives focused on advancing their organizations’ diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitments. Nationally recognized as a LGBTQ+ thought leader, he has two decades of government and nonprofit experience having worked at the White House, PFLAG National, and the City of New York. Media outlets like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press have featured his powerful work as a (DEI) influencer.


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